Tips to Prepare your HVAC unit for a Snow Storm

November 20, 2021

During winter, you never know whether the snow forecast means there will be a light dusting or your area will experience a complete blizzard. Having your HVAC unit ready allows you to stay comfortable regardless of how cold the temperature gets. Although your HVAC system is designed to withstand the worst weather, taking care of it can go a long way toward ensuring it serves you for many years. Here are various ways you can prepare your HVAC unit for a snowstorm. Schedule a Tune-up Having an HVAC specialist inspect your system allows you to avoid

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4 Signs You May Need to Replace the Ductwork in Your Home

October 20, 2021

If the thermostat is the brain of your HVAC system, and the ductwork is its arteries. When HVAC ducts become blocked or leaky, heated and cooled air can’t be delivered where it should. Efficiency is lost and indoor air quality declines when ductwork has reached the end of its lifespan. The following are four signs that it’s time to have the duct work in your Glasgow, Kentucky, home swapped out. 1. Your Energy Bills Are on the Rise Any sudden and significant increase in your energy bill could be a sign of old, damaged ductwork. This

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Your Furnace Maintenance Checklist

September 20, 2021

When winter approaches, every homeowner wants to make sure their heating system is working just fine. Your furnace is essential in keeping you and your loved ones comfortable during cold seasons. Furnace maintenance is critical in helping you reduce your energy costs and increase your system’s efficiency. There are various important tips that should be included in every furnace tune-up. Changing Air Filters Air filters ensure that dirt, debris and other particles are filtered out from the air coming in from your furnace. When this dirt accumulates in your air filters, it clogs the filters and

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Troubleshooting Tips for My Heating System

December 14, 2020

When your heating system isn’t delivering heat to your Glasgow, KY, home, you might immediately reach for the phone to call us at HVAC Services, Inc. for help. However, there are a few things you can do before giving us a call. Try these three steps to see if they solve your heating system problem. If they don’t, we’re always ready to assist you. 1. Check the Circuit Breaker Even if you have a gas-powered furnace, it still needs electricity to power the ignition and fan for the blower. Your circuit breaker may have tripped, cutting power to

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Indoor Heaters: Harmful for Your Safety and Your Budget

November 18, 2020

Many people are under the impression that tiny space heaters are an energy-efficient way of staying warm during the winter months. However, the reality is that indoor heaters simply cannot compete with a traditional central heating system. There are several reasons why indoor heaters might be a bad idea during the winter months. Indoor Heaters Come With Major Burn and Carbon Monoxide Risks Space heaters get extremely hot on their exterior. Just casually bumping up against one can be enough to cause significant burns. If you have a pet or small child, indoor heaters are an

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Is Furnace Maintenance Necessary?

February 13, 2020

Perhaps you purchased a new furnace or you own one that has consistently performed for several years. As a result, you may be wondering if furnace maintenance, which so many HVAC companies recommend, is that important. Below, we want to explain just a few of the benefits of regular maintenance. Lower Energy Bills A poorly maintained furnace will develop problems here and there. The belts may become worn, and the burner flame may be in need of adjusting. These problems may be small, but they will impact your energy bills. They can also

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